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InicioNewsEnd of the year: Coach those sales athletes.

End of the year: Coach those sales athletes.

The pressure is intense, anxiety is mounting, and the year is winding down. Reminds me of the times when our company was (close) but not hitting our annual targets, and the inevitable email would arrive: “Please email your team and urge them to close all deals” 馃搱.

Seriously? I never passed that pressure onto my team.

My emails were different – they focused on “one actionable thing,” sprinkled generously with a “You can do it” attitude 馃殌. In all fairness, our team had usually surpassed the quota, but we needed to help reach the collective revenue goal.

馃弨 Let’s draw a parallel with a nail-biting basketball game. Picture this: just minutes before the final whistle, the team is trailing by three points. The coach calls for a time-out and gathers the players. Do you think the coach says, “Go ahead and score more”? Or focus on the mistakes made? Nope. 馃

The coach zeroes in on one actionable thing, focusing on “feedforward” rather than “feedback,” all the while fueling the team with positive vibes and encouragement 馃憦.

馃専 As we approach year-end, I encourage leaders to give their teams just one actionable item to help bridge the gap, coupled with heaps of motivation. If you’re struggling to find that one thing, it might be time to pay closer attention to the entire ‘game’ 馃.

馃檶 Best wishes to all the hard-working sales teams out there. It’s been a challenging year, but remember, YOU CAN DO IT! 馃挭

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