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Transforming Managers into
Master Coaches that Cultivate Top Performers


Sales Leadership

Learn to unlock the human potential by learning your sales rep individual purpose and align it to the company’s vision. Lead each rep in the individual and collective from a mid performer to a top performer.

Transforming Managers into
Master Coaches that Cultivate Top Performers


Sales Leadership

Unburden your sales load and refocus on your visionary role with our tailored coaching program. Developed during a key CEO transition, it’s crafted to enhance and scale your initial sales processes, in tune with your vision. Gain insights into sales psychology through mastering discovery calls, customer success, and churn reduction. Our coaching will guide you in shaping an adaptable customer journey, suitable for your business’s growth stage.

"A leader is someone who sees more than what is and helps others see it too."

"A leader is someone who sees more than what is and helps others see it too."

- Mary Kay Ash -

Your reps returning to their old habits despite sales training?

You are envisioning a culture of autonomy and peer-to-peer learning, yet leaders dismiss coaching as ‘soft’?

Limited Time and Expertise for Real Coaching?

Managers frequently find it challenging to dedicate time to developing their team. Many perceive coaching as tedious, opting for the quicker solve and command route rather than teaching and developing.

Internal Conflicts and Miscommunication?

You find marketing frustrated by the lack of lead conversion, sales are burdened with leads that just don’t measure up and technical teams find that neither know the product. This brings internal conflicts, mistrust, and miscommunication.

Are your sales managers struggling with…?

Program Overview

Mindset Shift and Evolution as a Coach

Harness ‘The Why’ for its transformative power, aligning your team’s ambitions with broader corporate goals. Learn to coach and shift to a culture of growth mindset. Go beyond traditional compensation into the realm of intrinsic motivation, and learn to unlock the potential of each individual to achieve the highest performance.

High Impact Coaching Driving Top Performance

Master the framework for just-in-time coaching to resolve and prevent conflict escalation. Transform the performance review ritual often discouraging conversations into empowering discussions focused on personal goals and leadership skill development. Your coaching will encourage individual autonomy to identify and resolve their personal blocks creating ownership and accountability.

Structured Meetings for Maximum Impact

Enhance your one-on-one sessions with the ‘Skills + Activities = Results’ approach. Begin by pinpointing the desired goal or result, then identify the specific skills and activities within your control to achieve these outcomes. Shift your team meetings from routine result-reporting to dynamic, collaborative environments focused on peer-to-peer coaching and learning.

Revenue Metrics and Forecasting

Grasp the connection between your customer journey stages, time and volume metrics, sales activities, and your team’s ability to meet sales quotas. Elevate your CRM beyond basic tracking and become a tool that helps your sales team maintain a predictable pipeline and help you achieve less stressful more accurate forecasting.

Revenue Coach
in Residence

The Enterprises Sales
Accelerator Program

Other programs

“It gives me a better repertoire of instruments that, combined with our intuition from so many years in sales, gives us a great structure.”

Alejandro Freund
SVP sales @ Betterfly

”…(this class) it’s like sharpening the blade. I love your energy and enthusiasm; makes it easier not to drift out.”

Chris Gravel
SR Account Executive @ Metroquest Software

“I deeply appreciate how you’ve inspired us! Your purpose yesterday was more profound than ever before. Thank you!”

Paula Costacurta
SR Sales Manager @ Clearsale



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Sales Leadership
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