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Revenue Coach

In Residence

Unburden your sales load and refocus on your visionary role with our tailored coaching program. Developed during a key CEO transition, it’s crafted to enhance and scale your initial sales processes, in tune with your vision. Gain insights into sales psychology through mastering discovery calls, customer success, and churn reduction. Our coaching will guide you in shaping an adaptable customer journey, suitable for your business’s growth stage.

Revenue Coach

In Residence

Unburden your sales load and refocus on your visionary role with our tailored coaching program. Developed during a key CEO transition, it’s crafted to enhance and scale your initial sales processes, in tune with your vision. Gain insights into sales psychology through mastering discovery calls, customer success, and churn reduction. Our coaching will guide you in shaping an adaptable customer journey, suitable for your business’s growth stage.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel...”

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel...”

- Maya Angelou -

What is a revenue coach in residence?

A seasoned leadership and growth consultant offers specialized one-on-one coaching tailored for CEOs who still manage revenue operations. 

This consultant operates on a monthly retainer basis, providing a cost-effective alternative to hiring a full-time Chief Revenue Officer. 

This service is particularly beneficial for companies transitioning between Series A and B funding rounds or those aiming to expand beyond $5 million in Annual Recurring Revenue (ARR).

When do you need a coach in residence?

When a small business reaches a point where revenue plateaus and it’s challenging to sustain or grow income predictably, it’s a clear sign that a CEO can no longer single-handedly strategize for both marketing and sales.



An income drop may indicate sales process issues and high churn.

of Growth

Suggests that current strategies are no longer effective.

Sales Team

When the sales team is not meeting targets consistently, it may point to problems in training or a go-to-market approach.

of Referrals

Reliance on referrals from the founders is not sustainable for long-term growth. A Lead Generation Plan is needed for net revenue growth.

The need for external expertise becomes evident in several key symptoms

How will the coach help?

Sales and Marketing Strategy

This involves establishing a robust Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), refining the Go-to-Market (GTM) strategy, and verifying the Product-Market Fit.

Developing a Customer Journey

Involves a deep understanding of each stage in the customer’s buying process, from initial awareness to the final purchase and beyond. Identifying and tracking key metrics is part of the growth plan.

Improving Communication and Leadership

Strengthening communication skills and coaching can foster better teamwork and more successful strategy implementation.

Building Sales Teams

Customizing the sales team structure to align with the unique needs and challenges of the business.

How will this advice impact you and your business?

The business will see accelerated growth and will benefit from efficient and repeatable sales processes. 

As a leader, with an efficient and autonomous revenue team in place, you will have the capacity to focus on broader strategic initiatives such as developing the Growth plan or preparing for the next investment round.

Our service requires a three-month commitment to ensure impactful results. The structure includes a monthly retainer of $5,000, which entitles the CEO to four 2-hour sessions per month and two office-hours. The office hours can be used by another member of the team and can cover a range of areas including pipeline management, deal review, and performance coaching. 

In each of these sessions, the CEO can include another team member, such as the VP of Sales, Marketing, Product, or Operations. This inclusion fosters team alignment and ensures buy-in across key departments, which is essential

“It gives me a better repertoire of instruments that, combined with our intuition from so many years in sales, gives us a great structure.”

Alejandro Freund
SVP sales @ Betterfly

”…(this class) it’s like sharpening the blade. I love your energy and enthusiasm; makes it easier not to drift out.”

Chris Gravel
SR Account Executive @ Metroquest Software

“I deeply appreciate how you’ve inspired us! Your purpose yesterday was more profound than ever before. Thank you!”

Paula Costacurta
SR Sales Manager @ Clearsale

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Revenue Coach
In Residence
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