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The enterprise

Sales Accelerator


This comprehensive course is tailored for experienced sales reps and elite sales professionals. It concentrates on utilizing advanced AI tools to optimize the processes of lead generation, qualification, and discovery. By integrating emotional intelligence (EI) strategies, participants will refine their deal-closing techniques. As a result, participants will experience increased win rates while maintaining a healthy pipeline, achieved through more effective, automated sales qualification and discovery.




This comprehensive course is tailored for experienced sales reps and elite sales professionals. It concentrates on utilizing advanced AI tools to optimize the processes of lead generation, qualification, and discovery. By integrating emotional intelligence (EI) strategies, participants will refine their deal-closing techniques. As a result, participants will experience increased win rates while maintaining a healthy pipeline, achieved through more effective, automated sales qualification and discovery.

"Up, higher, all the way to the stars."

"Up, higher, all the way to the stars."

- Jorge Chávez -

Is Your Sales Cycle
a Resource Drain?

Are extended sales cycles draining your team’s energy and your company’s resources? Is the journey from prospect to customer taking longer than it should?

Are You Missing the Key to Your Clients’ Decisions?

Do you find it challenging to understand what really drives your clients’ decisions? Are you missing the emotional cues that could unlock successful deal closures?

Is Theoretical Knowledge
Failing in Practice?

Are your sales strategies struggling to translate from theory to effective real-world application? Do your team members need a more practical, hands-on approach to truly excel in sales?

Is your company struggling with…?

Program Overview

AI-driven Strategy Planning

Embark on a journey where advanced AI tools become your ally in strategizing. Learn AI prompts to qualify accounts and gather insights to create your strategy.

Emotional Intelligence

Delve deep into the realm of emotional intelligence tailored for the sales world. Perceive, manage and understand emotions driving decision making.

Customized IRL Role Plays

Experience the power of tailored roleplays that mirror your real-world scenarios. Roleplay negotiation, address issues with accounts and learn how to do peer to peer coaching to work as a team.

Shifting Perception for Competitive Advantage

Learn to influence how your product and services are perceived. Master the art of perception to gain a competitive edge. Discover techniques to shape how your products and services are viewed.

Leading Stakeholder Meetings with Precision

Discover how to connect with stakeholders on an emotional level. Start with a clean executive summary followed by the met decision criteria. How to handle a virtual meeting.

Revenue Coach
in Residence

Sales Leadership

Other programs

“It gives me a better repertoire of instruments that, combined with our intuition from so many years in sales, gives us a great structure.”

Alejandro Freund
SVP sales @ Betterfly

”…(this class) it’s like sharpening the blade. I love your energy and enthusiasm; makes it easier not to drift out.”

Chris Gravel
SR Account Executive @ Metroquest Software

“I deeply appreciate how you’ve inspired us! Your purpose yesterday was more profound than ever before. Thank you!”

Paula Costacurta
SR Sales Manager @ Clearsale



Partner with Rosa Yupari for transformative sales strategies.
Experience a unique blend of expertise and passion.

The Enterpsise Sales
Accelerator Program
Download the brochure