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2024: Mindful Unlearning

It was a typical family gathering during the holidays, the Yupari household buzzing with laughter and chatter. I, the only sister among four brothers, found myself amidst the usual blend of joyful noise and sibling teasing.

During a light-hearted conversation, a sister-in-law casually mentioned how my brother often leaves cabinet doors ajar. This remark struck a chord, leading me to a surprising self-revelation: I had a similar habit of not completely closing drawers.

As the days passed, I became an observer of my brothers’ behavior. To my astonishment, I noticed this wasn’t just my quirk – it was a shared Yupari trait. This discovery sparked a deeper reflection on the nature of habits: how often do we overlook our small idiosyncrasies, or defensively dismiss them when pointed out by others?

The realization was more than about doors or drawers; it was about the subtle imprints of family and the habits we unwittingly inherit. It was about the vulnerability in acknowledging our imperfections and the courage to change them.

Embracing this insight, I decided to make a change. My New Year’s resolution wasn’t about grand gestures but about unlearning these small, overlooked habits. Starting with ensuring every drawer was firmly closed, and every small task finished, and a commitment to being more present and thorough in my actions, however small they may seem.

This journey of mindfulness and change isn’t just mine to embark on. What small habit might you be overlooking, ready to be unlearned? Let’s share in this journey of subtle yet significant transformations, one small step at a time.

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